Category Personal Development

Is it time for a Career Change?

This post is written by Dana Schwartz, Career/Leadership Coach and Strategist with Leadership Innovations. Songs can be quite relatable to our lives. Take, for example, the infamous song by David Bowie “Changes”. I can hear the chorus now- “Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes. Turn…


My family sat on our backyard patio last night just hanging out. The sun was setting. The temperature was a perfect 70-degrees and dropping slightly with a mild breeze. The younger kids jumped on the trampoline while my wife and…

Decide – No Regrets

The ball came flying at me with lightning velocity and a wicked spin. My counter move was critical. The instantaneous mental processing of forehand or backhand, low angle or high angle, top, side, or backspin all colliding in my mind…

Stop Setting Goals

As we enter a new year, setting goals is a common practice. I want to challenge your thinking. I propose we should all stop setting goals as a New Year’s resolution. What’s the point of establishing goals? We feel bad…