Moral Leadership: Moral Licensing

I dropped off the kids this morning at a summer day-camp. My wife asked if I could do this because my schedule is flexible this week, and she has a plethora of work to complete. I have to confess selfishness…
I dropped off the kids this morning at a summer day-camp. My wife asked if I could do this because my schedule is flexible this week, and she has a plethora of work to complete. I have to confess selfishness…
Gavin walked into the office on Monday morning with purpose in his stride and a feeling of confidence. It was the start of a new quarter. As a salesperson, Gavin felt the feast or famine pressure of hitting the…
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Recently, I had an interesting conversation with the president of a financial institution. I will call her Martha. We were discussing moral leadership. Martha shared a story with me about an associate that came to her several years ago regarding…
Hide-and-seek was one my favorite games as a kid. I recall playing hide-and-seek outside with my brothers and the neighborhood kids when I was about five years old. I found the perfect spot next to a car parked on the…
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Moral – Concerning or relating to what is right and wrong in human behavior (Merriam-Webster). Leadership – To influence the thoughts, feelings, and actions of others towards a desired purpose. During the third week of June 2015, “the FBI…
We have another message from Jim Davis this week. Jim is not only a trusted colleague and talented facilitator, he has also had some truly great experiences in life that he is able to draw on and learn from. I…
Our post this week is written by Jim Davis. Jim is a trusted colleague whom I have worked with for nearly ten years creating and delivering leadership development training programs. He draws from a wealth of unique experience, and has…
“Twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty – Ready-or-not, here I come!” I was playing hide-and-seek with my kids the other day. It was a joyful time of trying to find the elusive spot that no one would find, and surprising a child tucked…
I was doing math with my 13-year-old daughter Hannah and had another leadership epiphany. If you are thinking this sounds like my last blog, you are correct. Yes, I am learning leadership lessons from math. I started college thinking I…
I was working with my daughter Hannah on math last week. We were going over the different types of angles: right, acute, and obtuse. Then we came across the term straight angle. What? The definition of a straight angle is…