Lessons From the Land – FisherPeople

We have another message from Jim Davis this week. Jim is not only a trusted colleague and talented facilitator, he has also had some truly great experiences in life that he is able to draw on and learn from. I…
We have another message from Jim Davis this week. Jim is not only a trusted colleague and talented facilitator, he has also had some truly great experiences in life that he is able to draw on and learn from. I…
Our post this week is written by Jim Davis. Jim is a trusted colleague whom I have worked with for nearly ten years creating and delivering leadership development training programs. He draws from a wealth of unique experience, and has…
“Twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty – Ready-or-not, here I come!” I was playing hide-and-seek with my kids the other day. It was a joyful time of trying to find the elusive spot that no one would find, and surprising a child tucked…
Influence In John Maxwell’s book, “Developing the Leader Within You,” he defines leadership simply as influence. John writes, “Leadership is influence. That’s it. Nothing more; nothing less.” While influence is at the core of understanding leadership, it is important to…
The message, voice, and confidence of a leader are critical in influencing people. Your team, family, organization, company, church, non-profit, and community need you to put on your Leadership CAP and speak up. Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream”…
The culture of a team is defined by the behaviors of that team. Identify the behaviors and you will know the culture. It is that simple. I have had the opportunity to work with thousands of teams over the…
In January, I took time for a full-day retreat. It was a time for me to get focused for the year. One of the first action items was to put vacation dates on my calendar. In 2013, I didn’t do…
In a February 2014, Harvard Business Review Blog, Dan Pallotta, wrote: “A 2013 study by cognitive psychologist Lorenza Colzato from Leiden University found that people who go for a walk or ride a bike four times a week are…
My Grandpa McCracken passed away last week. He was 94 years old, living in a memory care unit about a half-mile from our house. I often told people, “He lives in the moment.” We always walked together when I would…
It’s official! Cerner has been recognized as holding the number 5 position in leadership excellence by the Leadership 500 Excellence Awards for 2014! We received this email last week: Hi Todd and Jim! I wanted to let you know…